1a. Counting & recognition of numbers 1-100 (b) Writing Number 1-80
2. Filling in of missing no 10-50
3. Identification of shapes & colours continues
4. Counting of shapes & symbolsto get numbers

5. Counting & recognition of alphabets a-z
6. Matchingof small and big letters e.g.Aa, Bb, Cc to Zz
7. Simple communication skills, commands at home and in the school e.g. stop making noise, sit down, stand up etc.
8. Identification of objects, people in the school and at home
9. Obedience to parents/teachersdangers of disobedience
10. Making of strokes / / /
11. Draw &colour the following fruits (a) orange (b) Banana (c) Pawpaw (d) Apple
12. Telling the truth at all times- importance and dangers of not saying the truth to Mummy and daddy
13. 36 states & capitals
14. Different occupations around us e.g. Doctors, Teachers, Fishermen, Carpenters etc.
During this period of lockdown our parents are expected to engage the Nursery one pupils in the following topics till the school re-opens
(1a) Counting & recognition of numbers 1-100 (b) Writing nos 1-50
2a. Sounding & recognition of alphabets a-z
(b) Writing of letters a-n
(3) Making of different Kinds of curves
4. Identification of Colours & Shapes
5. Personal identification of things and animals around us
6. Personal Hygiene and care of our body
7. Safety habits at home, school and the environment.